Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Wheely Gr8 Time!

Adam finally graduated from his Tricycle on his 4th Birthday, so Granpa Rocks and I got out our old bikes and the four of us headed to the closest Greenway. I packed a picnic and put it in Granpa's pack, and he filled a collapsible cooler with drinks and ice, and its a good thing we did! Riding bikes uses a lot of calories, and we all ate constantly. Eve carried the picnic blanket in her basket. we rode 5 miles and had a blast! 
Playing in the creek was a lot of fun, so I hads the kids wear swim suits under their clothes the rest of the summer. Everytime Granpa Rocks puts the bike rack on a vehicle, the kids grab their bike backpacks that are always packed and ready to go. The kids keep their helmets and pads in them as well as their own reusable water bottle and bug catching kits. We even added a mini first aid kit last summer during our first aid lesson.
No matter how tired we are or how bad we hurt, at the end of the greenway bike tour, everyone feels a little healthier and sleep well that night, and it was a wheely gr8 time!  
Happy Biking!