Saturday, April 2, 2011


VIDEO: Outdoor Adventures
VIDEO: Outdoor Adventures » 
The earth is full of places to experience outdoor adventures, including our nation's parks. Watch these clips for sight-seeing ideas, a look at Montana's wildlife, mountains and more!
We are currently casting for the next season of Out of the Wild. Click here to go to Pilgrim Films and Television for more information.
Get Clean Drinking Water
Get Clean Drinking Water » 
You won't last long in any survival situation without drinking water. Get the basics on finding water, wherever you are, and how to get it clean.
Make a Fire
Make a Fire » 
Fire serves a lot of survival purposes and could be the difference between living and dying. Learn the fundamentals before you find yourself in a worst-case scenario.
Fight Frostbite
Fight Frostbite » 
If you're stuck in a cold-weather survival scenario, hypothermia is a threat. But there's also a little something called frostbite that could menace your fingers, toes, hands and feet.
When Disaster Strikes
When Disaster Strikes » 
Sometimes you can be stranded in the urban jungle, too. Find out how to survive in a natural or man-made disaster.
Adventure Sports 
Sometimes having fun can be risky. From cliff diving to sandboarding, get tips and gear advice.
Adventure Sports
Apr 02,
8:00 pm
30 min(s)
Sons of Guns 
Civil War Cannon/Shotgun Silencer 
Will, owner of Red Jacket Firearms, is hired to do the impossible
Apr 02,
8:30 pm
30 min(s)
Sons of Guns 
AK-47 Silencer 
Will, owner of Red Jacket Firearms, is asked to do something that
Apr 02,
9:00 pm
30 min(s)
Sons of Guns 
Double M16 
Red Jacket founder Will must mount two M16s side-by-side to a pat
Apr 02,
9:30 pm
30 min(s)
Sons of Guns 
Folding Flashlight Gun 
Red Jacket founder Will creates a combination flashlight and surv
Apr 02,
10:00 pm
30 min(s)
Sons of Guns 
Coffee Grinder Gun/Katana 
Firearms expert Tiger McKee asks Will, owner of Red Jacket Firear