They always say "If you dont like the weather in Tennessee, stick around a few minutes, its bound to change" And change it has!!! Two weeks ago it was 18* and we had 4" of snow, and two days ago, we had tornado's!
No damage at Camp Granma, but it was a narrow miss, hih winds blew a tree down across the road and knocked out our power for 8 hours. Nashville had it worse, as of noon today 592 customers were still without power, as there was widespread damage with hundreds of power poles down. Thankfully, no one was killed in Tennessee, however, 4 Amish chrildren between the ages of 7 months and 12 years of age drown in Kentucky, when the carriage they we traveling in was swept away in a flooded creek that over ran a bridge. The rain was so heavy the driver couldnt see the water crossing the road. Our hearts are heavy at Camp Granma, and our thoughts and prayers go out to the families. Cherish your blessings, you never know what tomorrow may bring.